What is KiVa?

KiVa is an evidence-based bullying prevention programme. KiVa offers a kete of tools that schools and kura can use to address bullying. By educating their ākonga (learners) in important social skills, schools and kura are empowered to build a more respectful and inclusive culture.

Bullying is intolerably high in New Zealand schools and action to address this is well overdue. The negative impacts of bullying are far-reaching, both in the short and long term for all involved. In a bid to reduce the harm caused by bullying, the elephant trust supports schools and kura to adopt KiVa which is helping a growing number of tamariki and rangatahi have a better time at school.

KiVa was originally developed at the University of Turku in Finland to enhance child wellbeing in Finnish schools. KiVa colloquially means to be ‘nice’ or ‘kind’ in Finnish. Testing in rigorous scientific studies has proven KiVa to be effective in schools all around the world. Results from implementation in New Zealand schools further validates its impact, with an average 25% reduction in bullying behaviour after one year. KiVa aligns with the New Zealand curriculum and fits our diverse multi-cultural landscape and school approaches.

KiVa is a whole-school approach where everyone plays a role in building a safer and more inclusive environment.

The three key parts of KiVa:

  • Prevention

    A series of lessons for teaching all ākonga about bullying, and providing strategies to support social and emotional wellbeing

  • Intervention

    A clear and effective process for identifying and following up with cases of bullying behaviour.

  • Monitoring

    KiVa supports schools to track incidents of bullying and annual student and staff surveys help schools monitor their progress

“Life-changing” is the way that one Year 8 student described KiVa recently. A big, confident boy, he had been bullying other students without being aware of the impact of his own actions. For him, going through the KiVa process and having to face up to the fact that some of his behaviours amounted to bullying, was a significant leap in his social awareness and helped him become more sensitive and socially aware of his peers. For this he was deeply appreciative. KiVa is about improved outcomes for all students.

— Deputy Principal of a KiVa school

“ When we implemented the KiVa method of dealing with bullying, life at school got so much easier! Staff struggled with many of our students and parents misusing the terms around bullying. Trying to sort out these incidents was frustrating, time consuming and often difficult to ‘get to the bottom of’.

— Kaiako at a KiVa school

Help us equip schools and kura with bullying prevention that works.